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Do you see yourself differently than others?

“Be what you would seem to be” - or, if you’d like it put more simply – “Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.”

This conversation between the Duchess and Alice was mind blowing to me. I literally had to read aloud several times to understand what it means. So, what does it mean? Are we not allowed to be different to whom we appeared to others? Are we not meant to surprise the others with the real us? Nonsense! (And I just love how Alice kept telling the authorities “Nonsense” whenever she felt something was off. We should know what non-sense stands for. Even children do.)

Why do we need to fit into the mold of a typical crowd? Can’t we raise our questions? Can’t we voice our opinions? I do believe there is always a time and a place for everything. Of course, you need to choose the right timing, the right circumstances without bringing in chaos and confusions to others, and this is where the true wisdom lies. We make peace. But most importantly you should always listen to your heart no matter what. And this is something called conscience.

After listening to your heart, next step is to follow it. What is the point if you know what your heart feels right but you act against it? To act upon your conscience is to have integrity. And it is important to be true to yourself because that is where all your values are based upon. Your fundamental base is your strong foundation where good things can be built upon. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point. We know the truth not only by the reason, but by the heart. It is not always true when we followed logics. That is why we were given a heart and not just a brain. Passion for example, can that be intellectually trained? Dream, can that be logically explained? We were given a body, a mind and a soul for a purpose. God gave us free will for a reason. We have choices. And how you make the best choice are often when you followed your heart.

I didn’t follow my heart when I was young. I only started following my heart this year and I am way past my youth. But I am so glad that I still have a chance to turn things around. It is never too late. We can always listen to our heart and fight for what we believe is right. Learn from lessons and see what the best approach is. Take challenge as a gift, have gratitude in everything and use time wisely. You can always use your experience to make yourself a better version. But you must listen to your heart. Your loved ones may give you advice and directions from their experiences, I still turn to God, my pastor, my mother, my husband, my friends and most of all, my son for help! Listen more, feel more, talk less and take action!

In the twin flame journey, most of the time everything was under chaos and confusions. There were lots of choices to be made and I also made a decision that I initially felt was wrong but now I realised it was the best choice I have ever made. I listened to my heart for every single move in the journey without knowing he was my twin. I never regret “killing” evil with kindness, healing the pain with faith. I trusted the wrong person and was too blind to see the truth. But how would I have the clarity if I haven’t been nice to him and allow the hurtful truth to unfold? If I haven’t listened to my heart and instead to use my logical thinking, I would never have awakened and becoming the best version of myself now.

Sometimes lessons are hard, but it will get less everyday as the Gryphon said, “That's the reason they're called lessons, because they lessen from day to day." And for my twin who insists on using logic over heart, will never be able to see why his twin grow up and glow up every day since she left him.

I never regretted for being nice to people who hurt me. I will do the same all over again even if I have a time machine. Because I love the way I am, and I would never want to change one damn thing for shaping this me. I am who I am, I follow my heart. I have no regret over my choices. I just enjoying learning my lesson every day.

I heard Jim Carrey said once which is also my motto, “You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.” So, friend, follow you heart! Don’t be what people expect you to be, be who you want to be!



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