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Change is the only constant

Stages? I believe so. And quite often you only find out you are in this journey when you reached your DNOS. Why?

Because we simply don’t really look into our trauma until we are forced to. And that’s why some people have this journey, some people don’t. From my observation, the ones that are more stubborn, the ones that like to be in control, the ones that doesn’t know how to love oneself, tend to have this chance to experience. Why?

I don’t really have the answers, but I just know it is an important lesson to learn, and you wouldn’t be able learn it any other way faster, deeper and stronger than this experience. It was meant for you to grow. I notice one side of the energy are faster to realise what is going on as they are more aware of their emotions, sensitivity and willing to change and find answers to resolve. The other half of the energy prefer to stay the way they are, less willing to change and if circumstances required, they will run and escape. But at the end, they will come to realise what happened, but it might take years and even after they realised, it is often too late to fix

everything because of the damage they have caused.

If they are on the same page, this journey would never have happened, and there wouldn’t be so many souls suffering this.

In fact, I started off this website, this project, because I have noticed how I was saved, and I should be saving others the best I can too. This journey is painful enough. Being alone makes it harder to get out of it. The “stuckness” eats you up, day by day, until one day, you wake up and say to yourself, “no more of this nonsense” and you decide to find out what is going on with you, what is the problem and what is the solution to it.

The same questions are often being asked: Why did they treat me the way they did? Why did they betray me? Why did they abandon me? Will there be reunion? Is the third party (karmic partner) going to leave them? Will I be meeting my soulmates and forget my twin? Will they regret for what they did? Is there karma on them? Can a narcissist be your twin? I can list up to 20 or more questions that are so commonly asked, and I wonder why is everyone asking the same questions?

There must be a reason. There must be a pattern! These are what I can think of: trauma? Inner child wound? Lack of self-awareness? Unable to set boundaries? Repeating the same pattern in relationships? I can also list more than 20 or more answers.

I simply think, mainly due to the lack of self-awareness. Self-love.

They are commonly the people pleaser, the empath, the one that are self-less and always put others first before themselves. They don’t know how to set boundaries. They think they can help; they can change the other person; they can make a difference to the world. If only he/she can trust her/him. Are we ignoring the unrequired love and only focusing on the unconditional love? Should we wake up and understand it is time to learn how to love, protect and respect ourselves first?

Imagine someone keep chasing you and telling you that they are your mirror, they can help you and you need to be healed. Wouldn’t that be scary? They keep tabs on you, they check your social media, and whenever you start dating others, they keep calling your partner “karmic”? Doesn’t this sound funny, have you ever looked at the coin from the other side? In fact, why do we have to let someone think we are chasing them for a dream of reunion? They probably don't deserve us!

Funny enough my twin also told me I was chasing him, and I was crazy for confronting him the truth about the betrayals. But the fact is, I was the one who rejected him in the first place, and I was the one who walked away at the end too. Until today I still feel so blessed that I trusted my intuition. This person is full of red flags. A selfish person who doesn’t know self-love, who possibly suffer narcissistic traits. I just felt humiliated that he tried to twist the truth the other way around. But as you know, there are people with huge ego who cannot take the truth…And I sometimes really wonder, how can this person be my twin? It is like an angelic person mirroring a demonic person!

But later I found out why. I was not loving myself enough. And the mirror was there: He loves himself too much. I was not materialistic at all, and he puts money and fame above everything. The scale was meant to balance each other out. But he refused to change and gone deeper to his old pattern. On the other hand, I was blessed because I got out of the rabbit hole and start working within. I don’t need to prove to no body, I know God is watching. I will change to the best version of myself to make myself balance at once.

Do you know there are more than 7 billion people on this planet called Earth? There are so many people who would love to meet you! You just need to find your own soul tribe! But first thing first, you need to evolve. You need to change. Transformation is the key. Change is the only constant, remember?

Your encounter with your twin was meant for you to know yourself better, to love yourself better, to have gratitude for what you already have and to pay less to no attention to what you can’t control and especially those that doesn’t matter to you. You can’t do this alone. You need to ask God to help you. You truly need to. He is waiting for you. All you have to do is ask. Knock on his door. Tell him all your questions, tell him you are stuck.

He will give you the precise answer you need. And he will be there for you on every step you make. Change now.

Your twin, if they ever change, God will put them back into your life. But if they don’t, God will remove them from your life and remain that way forever. You are meant to change. So are they. With you beside them, they can’t. So you need to let them go. Give them a chance to their awakening, to surrender and to grow too. Just like parents, don’t they want us to walk by ourselves, eat by ourselves and earn the necessary survival skills by ourselves when we grow up?

Give them a chance, walk away, live your life to the fullest. Give yourself a chance too, to meet new people who are there waiting for you just nearby!



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