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I need to make an effort to walk my talk.

I just finished reading most of the kids’ bible stories and completed my 78 biblical stories oracle cards. I was struggling so hard whether or not to do this since I dreamt about it during my meditation a few months ago. I have been back and forth about this and have constantly prayed about this, but at the moment I finished doing this, I got a few messages about my career and other side hustle business opportunities. So I kind of took the risk at the end. Afterall, all I ever wanted was to help people to turn back to God.

The greatest joy from doing this was that I was compiled to read the bible. I have no other way but to read it myself in order to understand the meaning of each story, and how they can fit in to the cards meaning. And the more I read the bible, the more I felt like a child again in front of God, I just realised I barely grew up at all! I kept asking for unrealistic things, I kept complaining about injustice, and I kept on going ahead of God and took control of my own wheel, sometimes even try to drive others’ wheel as well! How sinful am I.

When I read about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others, I realised even they needed God, even after they have sinned against God they still got blessed. How many years did God wait for repentance? Waited for His people to go to the promised land? He must be the most patient and most compassionate “person” that I could ever know. And I felt so ashamed that I didn’t obey him wholeheartedly in the past. And then, I thought about my own child.

He was obedient when he was in a good mood, and he was rebellious when things didn’t go his way. And yet, he still looks up to me. He still waits for my forgiveness, my guidance and my support. And the number of times I have tried to teach him, to guide him is uncountable, and my love and patience for him is very deep and longevity. Every time when I hold him in my arms I see his eyes shine, but I also see his eyes full of doubt when he saw me sinned. When I read the stories of Abraham to Jacob, like father like son, I can see the impact that parents have on their child. People tend to see them as generation curse, but I see it as the power of behaviour patterns. What I do, my son sees it, and then vice versa, I see in him.

Our Father will love us like we love our child and guide us like we guide our child. But are we there to listen? Or are we too anxious to argue and ask for things? How often do we really listen? Do we always have gratitude for what we have been given? Are we asking too much? Why do we need so much earthly things? And why does God just keeps providing us like we spoil our child? And aren’t we always forgetful about the mistakes we just made and repeated it again and again like our child?

Our children look at us like we look at God. Whenever I sinned, I quickly repent and work on it. Firstly, because I fear God, secondly because I want my child to fear God. Unless we walk the talk, I am just allowing the bad behaviour continues in my family, and surely, I do not want to pass on any “generation curse” to my child and his child. So how to avoid sin? I don’t know my bible well enough to say I am good at it, but I always thought of Jesus. Every time when I was at a crossroad, or when I was in doubt, I will think about Jesus. What would he do? What would he say? How will he react? And then I will pray for wisdom to act like he would. I find this the best way to find peace. Jesus has walked the talk, and I should do it too at all cost.



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