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Reading the scripture Job requires a lot of faith. And there is a lot to learn from him. Have you ever questioned yourself when things never did go right, you were cursed from “past life”? And when things “no longer” go right, you must have sinned and are now cursed? And the answers to these questions: you have asked the wrong questions!

We are sinful and that is something we can never change. But are we cursed by God? This is not true. God allows us to have free will so the price for that is we will sin. God will forgive us if we repent so we were never cursed by Him. Then you may ask, why do we good people experience “bad luck”? Why bad people win all the time? And the answer is, you won’t know the end result but He does. He is the one in control not us.

When you look at Job, he thanked God when he was all good. He knew he was blessed so he has gratitude towards everything he was blessed with. When he was at his worst, he still knows how to fear God and believed in God’s sovereignty. And the important lesson today is, are you with God only when you are at your good times and do you curse God when you are at your bad times?

If you know Job was at his bad times because of Satan who put him in and God allowed him to be tested just to bless him forevermore, you will know that we have all been there and we forgot there is always an enemy out there who worked against God, who is the one responsible for putting us into trials after trials to disobey God. We should not just feel blessed because we have what we want, but we should still feel blessed if we are being tested for we know God is still with us. He never leaves us. It has always been us leaving Him.

Looking back at the past, I now realised that I was wrong about God. I blamed Him and got upset when things go wrong on my side and the people who hurt me seemed to be doing well. I was so wrong. How would you know what will happen to them at the end? Remember what happened to Pharaoh when Moses was warning him? God hardened his heart several times to show his sovereignty. Those people who hurt you were given chances to turn back to God, until they have used up all their chances. But you, who stayed strong in faith even though you were losing all your hopes, will stay blessed because you hold fast to God. And the only thing that was lost was your ego, when your faith grows, your strength grows too. And what’s more, is your relationship with God becomes so much stronger.

Ego protects us, ego hurts us too. Our faith never fails though. It is precious because you cannot see the end result yet but you hold on to your belief and your love for Him. Stay humble and stay faithful, he is always watching and wa

iting to show Satan you passed the test and now you are blessed. Don’t just blame God when things don’t go your way YET, remember that it will all goes well at the end. And your next generations and their next generations will stay blessed if you start first.

Have faith. Stay blessed!



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