From my personal experience, I gained my self-awareness at my epiphany, discovered my life purpose at my awakening and finally working on the best version of myself during my ascension.
To me, awakening means understanding what true surrender means. There are different stages of surrender:
Stop controlling the situation and let it go
Stop resisting the outcome and let it be
Stop giving up hope but to give-it-hope
Afterall, you stop bothering yourself what you can’t control or what really doesn’t matter to you and you simply have faith that things will become better for the highest good of all.
It may not be as what you wished, but it certainly was the best for you.
For example, you studied very hard for an exam, but you made a fatal mistake and you didn’t pass. You took another year to study it and during that time you met new classmates and you built new friendships, by studying the second time you were able to teach new friends and through that experience, you learnt the subject in a more in-depth way. Gain or loss?
Another example, you broke up with someone and that person left you for someone else. You were heartbroken but you went inward, worked on your self-love, which in turns raised your vibration and you became more attractive; soon you met someone not only has your best interests at heart, who treasures you and is loyal to you, but is also at a much higher vibration as your perfect match. Gain or loss?
If you try to control the situation, you are working against the positive flow around you through limiting beliefs.
If you try to resist the outcome, you might miss out what serves you better.
In short, should you choose to stay in the past, not living in the present, not trusting the future, you stay stagnant. And you are blocking the true opportunities to enter your life. You must learn to let go and let be.
I know it is hard. I know. Haven’t we all been there? But you need to do it for yourself.
Those who succeed in life are not on pure luck. They have will power to persevere, they have courage to move on, their strength can withstand any storm, their trust in faith reaches God and touches those around them.
They are inspirational!
Don’t ever let anyone tell you to surrender is a coward act. It is in fact the most courageous thing you could do. Not seeing the future, not knowing the outcome but still believe in yourself, pick up all the pieces and move on every day, taking baby steps every time, allow to fall from mistakes and walk away with grace; become a stronger person each time you rise, that is courage under fire. That is phoenix.
It seems easier for those who has nothing to lose to surrender than to those who has everything to lose. But what if I tell you, everything you have with you right now are not definite? They are just attachment that can vanish anytime? Then, what do you have left? Would you still have the faith you got when you have nothing to start off with?
Always have gratitude with what you have, and always prepare to surrender to God, in this way, you can stand any storm, and you can also enjoy every warmth from the sun.
Afterall, it is God who gave us the sun and the storm. So why not put your trust in Him?
Don’t give up! Your surrender is right at the corner and all you have to do is to work on it, day by day.
God can see you trying and is smiling at your not knowing.